Saturday, June 23, 2007

It was a good day

Today was a pretty good day for me. I really don't think the Zoloft could be working already but I didn't feel irritated today. I have been happily working on this blog and my new one. I plan on making the writing website reviews for the "pay you to blog" sites a full time income. That is why I have been working on these all day. I am writing this post and I wrote another post in my new "entertainment" blog and I have a post reserved for Smorty which is another "pay you to blog" site. I also found this website called 451 Press. Apparently they also pay you to blog but the difference is they give you free web hosting. You get your own domain with them. I want to apply but I don't know if I have what it takes and I don't handle rejection very good. I think I will just bookmark the site and try it out one day soon.

On another subject; the only thing I don't like about this Seroquel that I am taking for Bi-Polar disorder is that I can't get up at 9am anymore like I used to. It doesn't matter if I go to bed early at night or not I still do not want to wake up in the morning. I used to be able to wake up at 9 and eat a quick breakfast, feed my animals by 10 am and change my clothes. Then I would get the house cleaned up by noon and off to the internet to do my online work. Now my husband has to keep yelling at me and I don't get up until about 10 am and the animals have to wait until after 11 and then I finally get my housework done. I know it is only an extra hour but I liked getting up at 9 am. This medicine kicks my butt, lol. And now on top of that I am on the Zoloft and that also makes you tired. Like I need anymore pills to knock me out at night. Monday I have to go see my counselour and then I have to drop in my doctors office and let her know how I'm doing on the Zoloft. I don't see the Zoloft working that fast. I was just put on the stuff yesterday and she tells me to let her know 4 days later how I'm doing? Pills just don't work that fast so I will just tell her that I don't feel them working yet. It would be nice if they did start working that fast. :)

Well I am off to write a post for Smorty. :) Oh and I got a new addition to my family of animals; a rabbit. Her name is Cinnamon. My sister-n- law gave it to me. She is so pretty and tame and she likes to be held. She is still a little scared of us but she will soon get used to us.

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