Friday, June 22, 2007

How I'm doing with the Seroquel

Since being on the Seroquel I am still having some mood swings. They upped my dose from 300 mgs. to 400 mgs. and they put me on Zoloft to help my anxiety. I have been having a hard time going to Wal-Mart. I start to shake as soon as I enter Wal-Mart because of all of the people in there. They are packed all the time and if I could go shopping after midnight I would. My dad used to go shopping after midnight and says there is hardly anyone in there and it is much better. Another problem I am having is writing checks out. A lot of places have those check machines but there are still places that do not have them so I still have to write checks out and now I shake like crazy when trying to write one. So I told my doctor and she put me on Zoloft to help with the anxiety. I really didn't want to try it because my mom was on it and she said it made her feel like a zombie. She said it made her feel like she was in a daze. But like my doctor says everyone reacts different to these medications so maybe it will actually help me. Sometimes I wonder if anything will actually help me. Hopefully some day soon I can feel like a normal person, whatever that may be.

I am trying to keep this blog up to date and I am trying to get to 20 posts so I can add it to all of the "Pay you to blog" sites that I am a member of. I need to make more money and was told I need more than one blog. Here is my main blog:

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