Sunday, July 8, 2007

Things that might help control your anxiety

I have been feeling pretty good these last few days. I think the Zoloft is starting to help even more. I went to Wal-Mart and I had a slight panic attack but not as bad as the last time we were there. My husband had a bad one though and you could tell that he wanted to get out of there pretty fast. We took his mom shopping and she is rather slow. It's not that she is old but even if she has a list and knows what she needs she still goes down every aisle. He was getting rather irritated with her.

When you are suffering from Panic Attacks and depression Wal-Mart is the worst place you can go. It is also the worst place to go if you have Bi-Polar Disorder. My husband and I both have Bi-Polar Disorder and if you are in a very bad mood swing you might just feel like picking a fight with someone there. The people walk really slow in front of you. I know a lot of people like to take their good old time shopping but it would be nice to consider the people that are walking behind you unless you want to be rammed in the butt with a buggy.

Here are some things I have learned to deal with panic attacks while in a big store like Wal-Mart:

1. Ignore those around you. You might think they are staring and judging you but they really aren't. I still think this way sometimes but I try to remember that they are not better than me. They might think they are better than me but I know they are not. Some of these people deal with the same problems we do but they hide it better and maybe even handle it better.

2. If you feel a panic attack coming on and don't think you can stop it and if you have someone with you try telling them how you are feeling and if you can let them shop for you for a little while and take a walk outside. Breathe some fresh air and if you smoke take a cigarette break. If you don't want to stop shopping or you don't want to hand your shopping over to the person who is with you then just take a few deep breaths. If you don't have anyone with you and you don't think you can control or stop your attack then maybe the best thing you can do is leave your buggy sit there and just go outside for a little bit. Or you could just hurry up and get what you need and go to the shortest line possible and get out. These are things that I do if I am having an attack. I know most people won't want to just leave their buggy full of food sit there and go outside but it is a suggestion.

3. If you are on any kind of medications for your anxiety then maybe taking an extra one before going into the store might help. My husband and I have done this and it has helped us.

4. If you don't think you can do any of these things then maybe you should try shopping somewhere where there is less people.

I have been suffering from anxiety and depression for quite some time now. I have been put on so many medications to help control it but I think the ones I am on now are finally helping. If the medication you are on is not helping and you have been on it for a while then you should ask your doctor to try something else. You won't know which one will help unless you keep trying until you get it right.

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