Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Increase in Medication Dosages

I had to see my doctor again today and she increased my dosage of Abilify to 10 mgs. and my Celexa to 40 mgs. I had recently read online that 40 mgs. or higher of Celexa can cause heart problems. I brought this up to her and she said it was not true and she has some of her patients on 80 mgs. of Celexa. I hope it is not true because I have to start taking the 40 tonight!

The reason for the increase is because I am still having panic attacks when I go to Wal-Mart and I still have some mood swings. I have to be back in to see her in two months.

I am feeling better with my meds but I am a little afraid of this dosage increase of the Celexa. I am not worried about the Abilify increase because I used to be on 10 mgs. of it in the past before I lost my medical. So my husband told me to try it and if I start feeling bad to quit taking it and call and tell her. So that is what I am going to do.

I also gained 5 pounds since the last time I saw her which was a month ago. I guess because I got my appetite back once I got back on my meds. So it is time to start watching what I eat and exercising again. :)


Sheila said...

I was taking 20mg of Paxil per day for my depression and anxiety. When I told my doctor that the Paxil was not working for my anxiety, he tried to increase the dosage to 30mg. I felt terrible on the 30mg. The best way I could describe it, was I felt like I was in a fog. Then My doctor switched me to 10mg of of Lexapro which seemed to do the trick. Sometimes it just a matter of finding the right anti-depressant.

Kevin Meloche said...

You know, I never really thought about my medications before. I didn't want to know what they did or why I had to take them. I only wanted to know the basics, which ones made me sleep and when I had to take them. I knew that some of my medications came be narcotics and I was afraid that I might abuse them if my depression/insomnia got too bad. In retrospect, it could be a silly fear but with a history of alcoholics in my family, I don't want to take the risk. I know I take medications for my anxiety, and my anti-depressants are mixed in with sleep medications. But as to what deals with what, I don't really know.
The only significant side effect I get is my appetite increasing, which is good because without it I lose a lot of weight. But then again, gaining weight is high stress for me. I don't know. I guess I just never really thought about my medications before.