Friday, October 10, 2008

Having problems with my meds

It seems like every month I run out a week or two early of my Bi polar and depression meds. At first I thought the pharmacy was shorting me so last month I counted them and they were all there. However, I ran out a week early again on my Seroquel and a few days early with my Zoloft. I don't understand it because I am taking them right and I know my husband doesn't take them because he has his own meds. Because of this problem with running out earl, and because my health insurance does not pay for my meds until the exact day they are due, I have had to go without and it is really messing me up mentally. I am having problems sleeping again because the Seroquel is what helps me sleep but without it I have to take other sleeping pills just to sleep the whole night. Also I am having major mood swings and my husband and I are fighting more because of it. It's weird because he also started running out of his early too. I don't know how we are running out when they are all there when we get them. So all day I have felt depressed and more tired than usual. I really hate having to go through this. I wish I had better health insurance or I wish I could figure out how I am running out early. I really need to get back on track but I don't know how I can when I run out earl every month. Hopefully I will get thigns straightened out soon because I really hate feeling like this.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Surviving Ben's Suicide, A book review

I just read a book called, “Surviving Ben’s Suicide. This book makes you stop reading and not only think about what you just read but it also makes you really think about life and how problems can really be overcome if you keep trying and never give up. Not only did I completely understand this book, but I felt like I could really relate to Ben and Comfort in so many ways. I am Bi- Polar and so is my husband and even though I have never tried to commit suicide, I have thought about doing it many, many times. Ben and Comfort both had a feeling of not being good enough and I have felt like that all of my life. I can truly relate to how Comfort felt before, during, and after knowing Ben.

Surviving Ben’s Suicide takes you through a young woman’s journey as she falls in love with a young man who suffers from Bi Polar disorder. Anyone who suffers from Bi Polar disorder, low self esteem, and feelings of inadequacy can truly relate to Comfort and Ben. This young couple met in college and share similar feelings of not being good enough. I’m sure anyone has had the feeling of not being good enough in their life no matter if they suffer from Bi Polar disorder or not. You don’t have to be mentally ill to feel this way.

C. Comfort Shields, the author of this book, writes about how she survived feelings of guilt from Ben, her boyfriend, committing suicide. This book will make you laugh a little, cry a little (or a lot) and really make you stop and think how you might relate to Comfort or Ben. Ben suffered from Bi Polar disorder so bad that he felt there was no other way than to end his life, thus ending his suffering. I am in no way justifying Ben for committing suicide. I am saying, however, that I can understand the feeling of loneliness and being “the black sheep” and not feeling like I belong anywhere. Ben felt that there was no one or anything that could help him. I truly wish Ben could have been helped. He was far too young to end his life. He had so much to look forward to. Ben was on medication and he was seeing a therapist but none of that helped him and in the end he just ended his suffering.

As I read this book, I often admired Comfort for the way she dealt with Ben’s mental illness. She tried to reach out and help him and love him but in the end it wasn’t enough. I do admire Comfort for getting on with her life and her future, learning to love again, and having children. Surviving Ben’s Suicide is a must read if you or someone you know has a mental illness. This book might be a comfort for those who have lost loved ones to suicide. I highly recommend reading it.

You can visit C. Comfort Shields at her website:

Also you might want to check out the publishers site for this book:

Saturday, July 19, 2008

A crappy day today

Sorry I haven't posted but I have been having problems getting into my blogs. So now that I am finally on here I am updating all of them.

Today was a crappy day! I'm not depressed but it's my time of the month and everything went wrong today. Phone quit working, had to have hubby fix it. I keep getting knocked off line. I'm having cramps, the picture on the t.v went out until hubby fixed it. Fan quit working. Uggh!! Bad day. Now I am sitting here trying to enjoy a wine cooler and I have heartburn and ran out of my acid reflux pills! So the wine is just making it worse but I'm drinking it anyway.

Otherwise, everything is going great. I have a full time writing job online which is bringing in extra much needed cash every week.

I have been neglecting my fiction and that sucks. I seem to have no time with writing articles, keeping this house clean, keeping my animals happy with attention, and everything else going on. I want to get my short stories done and submitted. I will never be a published author this way. I am just going to have to take the time.

Nothing much else to write about. If you want to read up on some home remedies, check out my AC page, and my ehow page.

My AC page
My Ehow page

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Alternative remedies for depression

I know I haven't posted in a while but lately I am finding it harder and harder to keep up with any of my writing. I just recently started writing more for AC and last night I wrote a post in my main blog. I have so much on my mind that I am having a hard time concentrating on anything. Anyway I recently write an article for Associated Content about alternative remedies for depression and thought I would post the link here for those who want to read it.

This article will help those who can't afford prescription drugs or don't want to take prescription drugs. Please read it and leave me a comment either here or on my AC page. Here is the link to my article:

Alternative Remedies for Depression

Take a look at my other articles as well if you like. Here is the link to my CP page where the rest of them are. Subscribe if you want because I have more articles on the way.

My CP page

I hope you enjoy them.

If you would like to sign up for Associated Content and get paid to write articles then go to the link below.

Join Associated Content

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I am back

Well it has been a while since I wrote anything on any of my blogs. Two reasons for that, one I was having major computer problems and also writers block but the main reason is that I had to get a new computer. Now I am finally back and hope to have all of my blogs updated soon. It took me a while to log into my blog account and that is another reason I haven't been able to write anything.

Depression wise, things are good. I'm taking my pills like I'm supposed to and am planning on going back to school soon. My hubby got out of jail and is doing good. So not really much to talk about on this blog but I will be updating my other blogs with a few things.