Friday, February 2, 2007

An in between day

It has been almost a week since my last post and I apologise for that. I have been having some up days and some down days and have been busy trying to make money online. Anyway today is an in between day and I think that is the worst. I feel so so but feel really tired as well. I'm not able to get excited about the things I have been getting excited about lately and this sucks. I just wish the meds would make up my own mind for me so I can feel better all the time. I have found though that writing on this blog and other places has helped me in getting it out in the open for others to read. I just wish I didn't feel so tired because that makes it even harder to get anything done.

It is really snowing a lot outside today and I can't wait until Spring. I feel better in the Spring and summer because I am able to get outside and do different things more. I do like the snow but I hate the cold. I would rather be hot than cold. I really don't have much to say today because I feel so damn tired. I hate this feeling. :( If anyone reading this has any comments or would like to share their depression experience then please leave me a comment. I get happy when I receive comments. It shows that people are actually taking a notice on what I have to say and that they are interested. I will try to post again soon when I'm feeling a little better. Thanks for your patience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi, I have been living with depression since I was 15 years old and I am 44 now. I have had many suicide attempts and double the amount of hospitilations because of my poor health related to depression and schizo-affective disorder.
You and I have a little in common where I also have up and down days. I live for the up days not only for myself but for my wife and only son who is 5. I live in Florida but used to live in New Jersey so I can relate to snow. Being claustrophobic I always felt like I was being shut in when it snowed heavily. I didn't like going into the cold so I am happy I landed in Florida.
I have added you to my bookmarks.
I also have treatment resistant depression and have finally turned to my last hope in a procedure called Vagus Nerve Stimulation or VNS Therapy.
Thanks for letting me post.