It has been 3 months since I posted in this blog and the reason for that is because I have been busy with my money making blog. I am sorry I have neglected this one but there is just so much to do that it is hard to keep up with everything that I have taken on. There is just not enough hours in the day to get everything done in time.
Anyway about my depression; I have gotten better thanks to the new meds I am on. I have been diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder and first I was put on Lamictal but it gave me a severe allergic reaction and I broke out in a rash. Too bad too because it was a miracle medicine. I never felt better in my whole life when I was on that for 5 weeks. I was so disappointed when I was taken off of it because of that stupid rash. Instead they put me on Seroquel. It is helping me but not as good as the Lamictal was. I am also having side effects with it but they are not as bad. They knock me out at night which in a way is good but also bad. It is good because I needed something to help me sleep but it is bad because it makes me want to sleep in too long in the morning and I don't like that.
I have also aquired restless leg syndrome right along with it. I know it is the meds causing it because it only happens when I take my pill at night. I take one of my husbands Requip and then wait, while suffering, for it to kick in then I am fine. I wouldn't wish RLS on anyone. Not even my worst enemy. You can be dead tired and it will keep you from getting to sleep. I have it so bad at night that when I take my Seroquel I want to go to sleep so bad that I can't keep my eyes open but the RLS keeps me awake. It is pure torture and hell.I am going to tell my doctor about it and find out what I should do because I can't keep going through that at night. I was up until 3:30 AM last night. If anyone doesn't know what RLS is I will tell you. It is a really bad tingly feeling in your legs and sometimes entire body. I get it all through my body. The way I can describe it is it feels like your body is trying to crawl out of your skin. You could be falling asleep and get jerked awake by the tingly feeling. You might be thinking, "Just a tingly feeling? What's so bad about that?" I will tell you what is so bad about it. You can be so tired that you can't keep your eyes open and you could get yourself all comfortable and your whole body feels like it wants to jerk. Last night I tried my damndest to ignore it but it wasn't to be ignored. It was so bad I wanted to cry. Here is how bad it is; my husband is 38 years old and he used to go through it as bad as I have started to and it made him want to cry. It got so bad for him one night he had to go to the hospital to get a valium shot to calm his nerves so he could sleep. It also gets so bad that you cannot sit still. You end up having to walk around and even stand up for awhile. I cannot stress enough how bad it is!! Anyway what I plan to do tonight is take a Requip right along with the Seroquel and see if that helps. That way they will both quick in at the same time and maybe I won't be tortured tonight and I can get some sleep. And if that works then I will call my family doctor tomorrow and make an appointment so I can be put on my own Requip. I also plan to call my psychiatrist tomorrow and let her know what is happening with these pills. I mean they are helping me a lot but I cannot keep going through this hell with the RLS.
Well that is it for this post and I swear I am going to keep this blog up to date like my other one. If you would like to visit my money making blog and find out how I am earning online then click here.